All Guides and Tutorials

WetLink Cable Splice Kit User Guide

The WetLink Cable Splice Kit enables quick and easy connection of two cable ends without the use of potting compounds, molds, or curing time. This guide will show you how to use the WetLink Cable Splice Kit.

Integrating a 4K Cinema Camera on the BlueROV2

Learn how to integrate a 4k cinema camera on the BlueROV2!

Using the T200 Mounting Bracket

Learn how to use the T200 Mounting Bracket.

Navigator Retrofit Guide

This guide will show you how to replace the Pixhawk autopilot with a new Navigator Flight Controller in your BlueROV2.

BlueROV2 Assembly (R3 Version)

Get your BlueROV2 built quickly with this assembly guide! These instructions are for the R3 version only.

BlueROV2 Software Setup (R3 and Older)

Get your BlueROV2 connected to a topside computer, the vehicle updated, and joystick properly calibrated! R3 and older versions only.

Navigator Developer Guide

Access the Navigator hardware directly using the Navigator Library!

Navigator Software Setup

Learn how to install ArduPilot firmware using BlueOS and configure your vehicle using ground control station software.

Navigator Hardware Setup

Learn how to assemble the Navigator kit and connect your vehicle hardware.

Thruster User Guide

Learn how to operate, service, and troubleshoot your T200 or T500 thruster.

Pressure Relief Valve Installation and Usage

Learn how to install the PRV on your watertight enclosure and use its related accessories!

Outland Technology Power Supply Integration (Retired Version)

Convert your BlueROV2 to use a topside power supply instead of batteries.

How to Choose a WetLink Penetrator

Learn how to choose the right WLP size for your cable.

Technical Reference

This page acts as a quick reference to the most important technical details of the main products in each category….

Ethernet Switch Installation Guide for the BlueROV2

Learn how to install the Ethernet Switch in your BlueROV2.

Sound Speed in Water Calculator
Speed of Sound in Water Calculator

This calculator has inputs for temperature (℃), depth (m)/pressure (kPa), and salinity (ppt), and outputs the speed of sound in water. Some information is provided for salinity level estimation.

BlueROV2 Assembly (R1 and R2 Versions)

Assembly Instructions for the retired R1 and R2 versions of the BlueROV2.

Battery Information

Links to Blue Robotics battery charging and safety information.

WetLink Penetrator Assembly and Installation

This guide will show you how to assemble and install a WetLink Penetrator.

H6 Pro Charger Firmware Unlock Guide

Unlock the full functionality of the H6 Pro Lithium Battery Charger.

Electrical Cable Voltage Drop Calculator

Calculate the voltage drop for a given current through the cable or the current through the cable required for a given voltage drop!

Advanced ROV Electronics Package Assembly Guide

Learn how to assemble the Advanced ROV Electronics Package.

Control the Basic ESC with an RC Transmitter

Learn how to control the Basic ESC with an RC Transmitter.

BlueROV2 Buyer’s Guide by Application

Check out this guide for what to install on your BlueROV2 for your specific industry!