We're on a mission
to enable the future
of marine robotics

Explore BlueBoat Explore Components

Game-Changing Cost

Our constant focus on cost and accessibility make our thrusters, components, USV, and underwater ROV the most affordable on the market.

Flexible & Expandable

Straightforward designs with open source software and hardware allow for customization, modification, and reconfiguration.

A Community of Explorers

Our products come with clear documentation and resources as well as a diverse community of subsea explorers, hobbyists, and professional users.

Enabling Ocean Exploration

Enabling Ocean Exploration

Way Bigger Enclosures

New 5", 6", and 8" locking enclosures rated to 1,000m!

And it's gonna be exciting...

This Watertight Box is just for you!

How much does an ROV cost?

We dove deep to find the deets!

Technical Reference

Comparing product details!