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SOS Leak Sensor with an Arduino
Experiment with an Arduino sketch for the SOS Leak Sensor!

Viewing Celsius Temperature Sensor Readings on an ArduSub Vehicle
Learn how to integrate a Celsius Temperature Sensor onto your ArduSub vehicle and view more accurate values!

Viewing Bar30/Bar100 Depth and Temperature Readings on an ArduSub Vehicle
Learn how to quickly view depth and temperature values from a BarXX series sensor using a Pixhawk and ArduSub!

Guide to Using the Bar30 with an Arduino
Get started with the Bar30 Pressure/Depth Sensor and its Arduino library!

Power Sense Module (PSM) Installation
Learn how to install and setup a Power Sense Module on your BlueROV2 or other underwater project!

Guide to Using the Bar02 with a Raspberry Pi
Get started with the Bar02 Pressure/Depth Sensor and its Python library!

Guide to Using the Bar02 with an Arduino
Get started with the Bar02 Pressure/Depth Sensor and its Arduino library!

Guide to Using a Bar100 with a Raspberry Pi
Get started with the Bar100 Pressure/Depth Sensor and its Python library!

Guide to using the Bar100 with an Arduino
Get started with the Bar100 Pressure/Depth Sensor and its Arduino library!

SOS Leak Sensor Installation
Learn how to install and setup an SOS Leak Sensor module!