

Recap: RoboSub 2019
Sep 9, 2019
Elisa Miller

Hello vampires, werewolves, and otherkin! A few weeks ago, the BR coven traveled down to San Diego for the 22nd…

Using an ROV in Environmental DNA (eDNA) Collection
Aug 31, 2019

We recently had the pleasure of partnering with the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles’ DISCO Program on their L.A….

ROV Arctic Exploration
Jul 27, 2019
Elisa Miller

The Arctic is a place of extraordinary extremes: brutally cold temperatures, intense winds, and incredibly vast landscapes. Very few people…

Recap: RoboBoat 2019
Jul 17, 2019

Hello all, welcome to our official recap of the RoboBoat competition in South Daytona, Florida! As some of you may…

Recap: MATE International ROV Competition 2019
Jul 8, 2019
Elisa Miller

Friends, hello! A couple of weeks ago we attended (for the 4th year in a row!) the MATE International ROV…

Photo Contest! #SubseaSTEM
May 28, 2019

Hello friends! It is competition season and we are beyond excited to spend the next few months supporting and recognizing…

ROV by Generative Design
May 5, 2019

When engineers have some spare time in the middle of nowhere, bizarre things can happen. Our friends at Vectrino (inspired…

3rd Annual(ish) Product Interest Survey + Previous Year’s Results
Jul 6, 2018
Rustom Jehangir

In the past we’ve asked all of our customers and followers to complete a “product interest survey” to help guide…

In the Wild: Object Recovery with BlueROV2
Sep 26, 2017
Elisa Miller

Many of us can relate to losing something meaningful to the forces of the ocean. I still remember the seafoam…

In the Wild: Water Quality Monitoring ASV
Mar 21, 2017
Elisa Miller

By: Elisa M., Blue Robotics We often hear about the lack of clean water in third world countries, but the…