Product News

Product News

BlueROV2 Named #1 Educational ROV!
Jan 9, 2018
Elisa Miller

Marine robotics is truly an interdisciplinary subject – it lies at the intersection of biology, physics, engineering, and chemistry. Educators…

New Product: The Fathom Slim Tether!
Dec 19, 2017
Rustom Jehangir

We’ve got one more new product to squeeze in for 2017! The new Fathom Slim Tether is a high performance…

Updated Companion Software with New Camera Settings Page!
Dec 13, 2017
Rustom Jehangir

We’re excited to announce a new version of the Companion computer software is now available! This update adds a number…

New Product! Basic ESC R3
Nov 9, 2017

Hi everyone, we have a quick new product announcement for today! The Basic ESC has been updated to a new…

New Product! Subsea LED Indicator
Nov 1, 2017
Elisa Miller

Good day, friends! We have some new products to light up your day including the new Subsea LED Indicator and…

New Product! Hand Operated Vacuum Pump
Oct 17, 2017
Elisa Miller

Hi everyone! Today we are pumped to add a handy tool to our product line: a Hand Operated Vacuum Pump!…

New Products! Water Linked Integration Kit and Random Fathom Tether Lengths
Sep 28, 2017
Elisa Miller

Hey friends! Today we are excited to announce an Integration Kit for the Water Linked Underwater GPS System. We’ve also…

BlueROV2 Frame Updates
Sep 21, 2017

By: Jonathan N., Mechanical Engineer at Blue Robotics Hello everyone! Today we’ve got a few BlueROV2 updates to announce. We’re…

New Stable Release of BlueROV2 Software
Sep 14, 2017
Rustom Jehangir

Newest QGroundControl release. Hello everyone! Today we’re proud to announce an updated release of the BlueROV2‘s core software, which includes…

New Products! Low-Light HD USB Camera and Bar100 Depth/Pressure Sensor
Aug 31, 2017
Elisa Miller

Hello, friends! It’s a lovely day to #godeep, and today we’re stoked to bring a couple of capable products into…