AUVs are increasing in popularity and can be used for various applications, but tend to be super expensive. In this…
The Drone Revolution of Shark Science: A Review
Butcher, P. A.; Colefax, A. P.
Drones are everywhere these days and have endless uses. One application that is increasing in popularity is wildlife management. In…
Towards Optimal Human-Robot Interface Design Applied to Underwater Robotics Teleoperation
Padrao, P.; Fuentes, J.
In order to expand the user base of operators and enable new applications in the ROV world, it is necessary…
Survey on Low-Cost Underwater Sensor Networks: From Niche Applications to Everyday Use
Campagnaro, F.; Steinmetz, F.
A need for low-cost acoustic communication and positioning systems has increased with the rise in affordable ROVs and AUVs in…
An Open-Source Benchmark Simulator: Control of a BlueROV2 Underwater Robot
von Benzon, M.; Fogh Sørensen, F
In this paper, the authors explore the use of Simulink, a MATLAB-based graphical programming environment for modeling, simulating, and analyzing…
Light Guided, Autonomous, and Mobile Underwater Tracking of an Unmanned Underwater Vehicle
Whitaker, C.
Since Unmanned Underwater Vehicles have numerous applications and are affordable, they are used frequently. Accurate position estimation makes UUVs more…
Model-Free High Order Sliding Mode Control with Finite-Time Tracking for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles
González-García, J.; Narcizo-Nuci, N.
Unmanned Underwater Vehicles are used for numerous applications, but have a tracking problem as their six Degree of Freedom (DOF)…
OysterNet: Enhanced Oyster Detection Using Simulation
Lin, X.; Sanket, N.
While oysters are crucial to estuary ecosystems, over-harvesting has lead to oyster reef devastation and preservation is necessary. In this…
Development of Low-cost Unmanned Surface Vehicle System for Bathymetric Measurements
Wajs, J.; Kasza, D.
Due to the importance of bathymetric measurements for geodesy – the science that accurately measures and understands our planet’s geometric…
Energy Efficient Distributed Adaptive Sampling using Networked Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
Nadeem, M.
While water quality monitoring in real-time is important, it is often difficult to execute due to the constraints of using…