WTE Vent Assembly Guide

By Rusty and Elisa


The enclosure vent allows the release of trapped air when using the watertight enclosures. Once sealed, it provides a reliable high-pressure seal against water.

Important Notes

Always inspect the o-rings before inserting the plug. Any dust, hair, or other particles can cause a leak.
Use plastic tools, NOT steel or other hard tools, to remove the o-rings from the aluminum sealing flange. Hard tools can create scrapes that will compromise sealing ability.

Parts and Tools

You Will Need

The M10 size Bulkhead Wrench is used for installation.


1. Lubricate the o-rings with a thin layer of silicone grease. The o-rings used for the plug and the o-ring used for the bulkhead look very similar but are different sizes.


Install the 2 slightly thinner o-rings on the Vent Plug.


Install the slightly thicker bulkhead o-ring in the groove on the underside of the bulkhead.

2. Using the provided M10 nut, secure the bulkhead to an appropriate hole in the watertight enclosure end cap. Tighten to finger tight, then use the Bulkhead Wrench to tighten an additional ~1/16 of a turn. If you can’t loosen the bulkhead with your fingers, it is tight enough. If using a torque wrench, tighten to 3.5 Nm.

If installing in a threaded end cap hole, the M10 bulkhead nut is not required.

Insert the plug into the bulkhead and tighten.


Related Guides

Using the Vacuum Plug and Hand Pump
Ensure the O-ring seals are good on our WTE with this quick test!
Watertight Enclosure (WTE) User Guide
Learn how to assemble and use a Watertight Enclosure!



Rusty is the founder and CEO of Blue Robotics. His background is in engineering but he likes to be involved in everything at Blue Robotics!


Elisa is the co-founder and head of the sales/marketing/support team at Blue Robotics, but her main role is keeping the people HYPED on underwater robotics!