Detection of Underwater Mines Using SonarPirot, L.Detecting underwater mines and unexploded ordnance, particularly those buried under sand, is challenging and poses a threat to maritime navigation…
SolarSurfer: Ocean Test No. 3Aug 22, 2014 - Rustom JehangirSolarSurfer in the ocean off the coast of Los Angeles Two weeks ago we tested the SolarSurfer in the ocean…
The Kickstarter is Live! Let’s do this.Aug 12, 2014 - Rustom JehangirIn case we haven’t made it clear to you through our mailing list, Twitter, Facebook, or our home page: The…
24 Hours to Launch!Aug 11, 2014 - Rustom Jehangirto: We’re in the final hours before the T100 Thruster Kickstarter campaign launches! We’ve made a few small changes to…
Announcing the T100 Thruster Kickstarter!Aug 5, 2014 - Rustom JehangirToday we are excited to announce a Kickstarter Campaign for our first product, the T100 Thruster. The T100 is an…
SolarSurfer: Ocean Test No. 2Jul 30, 2014 - Rustom JehangirIf you haven’t seen it, we are building an autonomous solar-powered surface vessel with the BlueRobotics Thrusters. Check out more…
Thruster Test StandJul 7, 2014 - Rustom JehangirThis post will show the thruster test stand used to measure thrust, rpm, and power. We’ll describe the test stand…
Evolution of a ThrusterJun 21, 2014 - Rustom JehangirWe’ve been working on the BlueRobotics Thruster-100 for almost nine months now. It started as a side project to replicate…
MakerCon 2014May 14, 2014 - Rustom JehangirWe were fortunate enough to be invited to speak at MakerCon 2014 with Scott and Adam from Dragon Innovation during…
The Thruster-100 is officially a “Cool Idea!”May 5, 2014 - JoeBlueRobotics is excited to announce that our Thruster-100 has won the Proto Labs Cool Idea! Award. We started development of…