

Detection of Underwater Mines Using Sonar
Pirot, L.

Detecting underwater mines and unexploded ordnance, particularly those buried under sand, is challenging and poses a threat to maritime navigation…

SolarSurfer: Ocean Test No. 3
Aug 22, 2014
Rustom Jehangir

SolarSurfer in the ocean off the coast of Los Angeles Two weeks ago we tested the SolarSurfer in the ocean…

The Kickstarter is Live! Let’s do this.
Aug 12, 2014
Rustom Jehangir

In case we haven’t made it clear to you through our mailing list, Twitter, Facebook, or our home page: The…

24 Hours to Launch!
Aug 11, 2014
Rustom Jehangir

to: We’re in the final hours before the T100 Thruster Kickstarter campaign launches! We’ve made a few small changes to…

Announcing the T100 Thruster Kickstarter!
Aug 5, 2014
Rustom Jehangir

Today we are excited to announce a Kickstarter Campaign for our first product, the T100 Thruster. The T100 is an…

SolarSurfer: Ocean Test No. 2
Jul 30, 2014
Rustom Jehangir

If you haven’t seen it, we are building an autonomous solar-powered surface vessel with the BlueRobotics Thrusters. Check out more…

Thruster Test Stand
Jul 7, 2014
Rustom Jehangir

This post will show the thruster test stand used to measure thrust, rpm, and power. We’ll describe the test stand…

Evolution of a Thruster
Jun 21, 2014
Rustom Jehangir

We’ve been working on the BlueRobotics Thruster-100 for almost nine months now. It started as a side project to replicate…

MakerCon 2014
May 14, 2014
Rustom Jehangir

We were fortunate enough to be invited to speak at MakerCon 2014 with Scott and Adam from Dragon Innovation during…

The Thruster-100 is officially a “Cool Idea!”
May 5, 2014

BlueRobotics is excited to announce that our Thruster-100 has won the Proto Labs Cool Idea! Award. We started development of…