Ocean Farming

Why is kelp making waves?

Kelp is cool! And so is regenerative aquaculture, which aims to restore marine ecosystems, reduce negative impacts, and improve water health. Sustainable ocean farming is vital to protecting our waters, and regenerative philosophies are practical in species like mussels and oysters. So why are we so amped on kelp? Well, not only is kelp a superfood packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber, it can be used in cosmetics, as plastic alternatives, as fertilizers, and even as food sources for animals.

In addition to being an excellent resource, kelp does wonders for the planet itself. Kelp forests absorb significant amounts of carbon, helping mitigate climate change. While absorbing carbon, kelp also produces oxygen, contributing to the overall oxygen levels in the ocean and atmosphere. Kelp also helps filter and clean the water by absorbing excess nutrients AND its forests create complex underwater habitats for marine life.

We knew we had to be a part of the wonderful world of kelp which is how Grow Line was born.

OR team

Teaming up with Ocean Rainforest.

Grow Line is an initiative connecting marine tech with the farmers, and Ocean Rainforest, a Faroe Islands-based company and a leader in offshore kelp farming, is the perfect group of farmers to explore the possibilities. With an 86-acre farm off the coast of Santa Barbara, California, they are the experts in giant kelp. Ocean Rainforest and Blue Robotics have shared goals of advancing technology use and promoting sustainable kelp aquaculture, so it seemed like the perfect partnership.

We are frequenting the farm to deploy ROVs, test sensors, and collect data. This partnership and these field missions have allowed us to ask all of our burning kelp farm questions.

Questions lead to answers.

And those answers can be found using technology! Smart farms need data. Sensors like CTDs (Conductivity, Temperature, Depth) allow farmers to monitor and collect crucial data about the underwater environment in which their kelp grows. Cameras put eyes under the water to inspect the farms without sending divers down. Sonars can provide hydrographic surveys for farm site selections, can conduct seafloor mapping, monitor biomass, and detect objects. All of these tools can lead to benefits like more accurate water quality data, enhanced infrastructure monitoring, and detailed environmental insights.

If you are curious how these sensors, sonars, and cameras are used on these farms, the answer is vehicles! Marine vehicles, like ROVs and USVs, provide platforms to add the sensors, sonars, and cameras to so you can complete whatever task is necessary for your farm.

SonarView software depicting a BlueBoat equipped with the Cerulean Omniscan 450 SS inspecting a kelp farm.
Those patches of green to the right are kelp! Photo Credit: Nick Nidzieko


ROVs, like the BlueROV2, are affordable, modular, and user-friendly and can “walk the fields” of the farm without the need for physical eyes under the water. ROVs act as your underwater tractor and are customizable for different needs and can be dive specific.



USVs, like the BlueBoat, are autonomous, multi-functional surface tractors with uses ranging from surface kelp monitoring to ocean data collection to seafloor surveying and autonomous patrol. USVs are scalable and multi-functional vehicles on the kelp farm.



BlueOS is the open-source digital farmhand to manage all your smart farm tools with a single operating system. It offers a web-based interface for seamless system management with integrated tools for system performance, data, and video streaming while allowing for customizations to meet specific kelp farming needs.