
Via Marinara 25
Marina di Ravenna

+39 0544 1766609

Assembly / Consulting / Customization / Development / Modification / Products in the Ecosystem / Rental / Repair / Sensor Integration / Stocks Batteries / Stocks BlueROV2 / Stocks Components / Stocks T500 Thruster ROV / Training / Workclass ROV Services

About SubseaLED

SubseaLED is a technology provider in subsea fields focused on advanced LED lighting, high-definition cameras, digital inclinometers, and power supply systems for any underwater operation. The company offers 25 years of team experience in the offshore sector to provide innovative, field-serviceable products and spare parts in compliance with the demands of challenging subsea environments. Besides high performance products, SubseaLED also delivers tailored systems, integrated ROV services, and high pressure testing to provide every underwater venture with quality and efficiency.

Products in the Ecosystem

These are products developed by Distributors that are compatible or made with Blue Robotics products.

Visit the SubseaLED Website